Cards that offer respite to customers with bad credit history

The economic downturn a few years ago left the finances of innumerable people in doldrums with most of them falling prey to bad credit history. The biggest challenge faced by the people with bad credit history is finding the right type of credit cards that can help them rework on their credit history and improve their credit scores. While most of the banks turn away applicants with a bad credit history, there are a few banks that are willing to take chances and give them a chance to work on bettering the scores. The First Premier Bank has more than one card for people under this segment.
The Classic Credit Card from the First Premier Bank is one of the cards available for applicants with a low credit score. Applicants should have an existing checking account with any bank to gain eligibility for this card. They also need to pay an upfront deposit of $95 in order to avail a credit limit of $300 on the card. This security deposit will be refunded in full when the card holder clears off the entire dues in full. Card holders can better the credit history by making their payments on time and staying well within the available credit limit.
The MasterCard Credit Card from First Bank is another offering from this back for people with poor credit scores. This card has features similar to that of the Classic Credit Card from the same bank, but offers online access to the account and online bill pay facility for a small one time payment.
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